
Hasslefreestartup is headed your way!

Welcome back! I have missed you 💓 I have been working insanely hard to find a problem in the design world that needs to be fixed and figuring out how I can fulfill that niche. I think it is in helping people seamlessly and quickly get off the ground in their very own business without having to do years of solid work and prep. I am essentially handing you your business and saying go make an exponential amount of money. Here is every tool, it is now up to you to see how many clients you want to take on. My first area that I located that seemed to be lacking was welcome packets. People are not putting in the effort to prepare them, killing the experience, and losing the confidence the customer would have had with you. Potentially that laziness would likely cost you the job if another designer came better prepared with a welcome packet even though you may have years of experience on them. It all about perception. Welcome packets aren't fun or cheap by any means of the word. You ne...

Welcome to my world!

Hi doll! I am going to keep this first blog brief. I am just going to explain a little bit about what I have been working on nonstop (no joke) for months and months. I am almost done! Yay! I have created a system that will allow you to start your own interior design business without all of the headache and legwork it takes to make it happen. You get to start making money right off the bat and you also get unlimited amounts of support. This is priceless! I am so passionate about design, I just want to help other people get started. So many people give up their dream of working for themselves because there is just so much work and time involved in getting in started, but It is SO easy and SO nice to work for yourself once you get through all the time and energy of the startup work. I am doing all that work for you! Rather than spending 6 months getting your marketing materials completed, your appointment processes down, all the legal documents written up by a lawyer and then getting...